

依旧是一篇法英文的一段 亚瑟和弗朗发现他们的妹妹写画他们的同人后的故事:)))) 原文和作者见图 无授权侵删

“--So you want us to delete those fan works? Why?"

Arthur stepped up reluctantly, stopped the eyes contact with Francis. He really couldn't bear Rosa and Francois's ridicule, so he started to talk with his fists griping tightly, as he had expected, Francois questioned him frowning and grimly, like Arthur's demand was an unbearable offense.

"--Exactly, why, brother?"

Rosa kept her eyes fixed on her brother, Arthur felt very scared. He turned to Francis stiffly with reluctance, asked for his help with a constipated face, but mind you, asking Francis for help is more painful than constipation.

"Ugh, Sawyer, I...I think, we both think, those works are kind of--kind of unacceptable--"

"I think art can be created freely." Francois broke Francis's halting talk, she made a gesture with her right hand, it looked like she was giving an exciting speech. "You should know that as countries, as people's spiritual idols, it's their freedom of creation, it doesn't influence you in any way, let alone you--" Francois pointed to Francis"--Your life style is much worse than how we described. That's your freedom, no one will limit you, so you shouldn't set limit to us too."

Francis and Arthur stood there in shock, well, they--they were speechless! And they kind of wanted to agree with Francois! ...No! Boys, control yourself!


