

今天翻的是一篇法英文的一部分 原文和作者见图 无授权侵删


"There's only interests but not emotions between countries, you should know. Only Francis talks about those bloody complicate things all the time, those love and hate...stuff."

"Actually, we can't really possess those stuff, can we? We can only conceal them in mind."

"So if I hate that idiot, it's kind of a bad romance?"

"I'm not happy with your face so I want to punch it.  Punching and punching, suddenly it became an addiction of mine, just like doing drugs. Knowing eachother too well also makes us know that where to stab the knives will hurt the most, so they're always deadly."

"Just because of this, we're more delighted to find new attacting spot, regardlessly wanting to erase eachother completely."

"But if one day he really is killed, this whole thing will be pointless and perhaps he is not attractive to me anymore.

「Britain and France are like an old married couple, dreaming to kill eachother everyday but never wanting to get divorced.」

Suddenly, this sentence came to your mind, you read it in a wisper but raised the volume in the end, like you wanted to let him hear it clearly to find out if it's true. It made him give a soft smile, then immediately noded slightly.

"I have to say, it is very accurate."

"I hate to be called 'an old married couple' with him though."

今天翻得好顺畅 大概因为是比较生活化的语言吧:)))))

